
Game time: why basketball is a great sport for kids in 2023

Basketball has long been a favourite sport for Aussie kids. Up there with Aussie rules, cricket and rugby, this is a sport that kids across the country love to play in a team, at the local court or in their very own driveway. The sound of the ball bouncing on concrete is ubiquitous to Aussie suburbia, and there is nothing more exciting than getting down to the local sports centre on a Saturday to meet your opponents on the wooden court!

It should come as little surprise that there are many great reasons for kids playing this wonderful sport in 2023, and we thought we would take a look at some of them below:

  1. It’s great exercise

It’s more important than ever that kids keep up a healthy exercise routine, especially as bad habits formed early could have lasting effects on their health and wellbeing! One of the best things to do for this is to pick up a junior basketball hoop and attach it to the garage!

All you have to do is attach the ring, pick up a quality Spalding ball and your kid has access to a healthy and fun exercise whenever they feel like playing! Even just mucking around with the ball in the driveway is a great way for them to work on speed, strength, stamina and coordination, especially when these skills are so integral to the game itself.

  1. It’s a social activity

Whether they are just playing with friends at home or part of the local team, this is one of the most social sports your child can play! There is at least one training session and game per week when playing as part of a team, and standing around at the local court or playing in the driveway is another great Aussie pastime that has always been part of our sporting repertoire!

  1. It gets them out of the house

If you’re a parent who worries about their kid’s screen time then there is no better way to get them out of the house and be highly active than playing a team sport. After all, regardless of gaming’s influence on the current generation, playing sport is still a super fun option for socialising, so this is a great way to help them limit their screen time whilst participating in an in-person social event.

After all, some screen time is just fine, but it can’t be the healthy sociability that playing a team sport provides!

  1. They learn valuable life skills

Playing a team sport comes with a whole range of life skills and lessons your kids can take with them into the future. With everything from teamwork to mateship, humility, health and fitness all part of playing this legendary sport, it is a great way for your kids to learn some valuable life lessons that will help them in their future endeavours.

  1. It’s just a lot fun

Who doesn’t remember their awesome kids’ sports days? They were a great experience where we learnt a lot about life and working together to achieve a common goal. Not only this, playing sport is just heaps of fun, and is a great way to enjoy the weekends in an exciting, high energy environment.

It’s for this reason – and the others listed above – that basketball is one of the best sports for your child to play in 2023!